How Facebook uses their terms of service to charge your credit cards even when you tell them to stop. Read about what happened to me.
This holiday season is going to be a wild one if you haven't guessed. The pandemic is creating supply and worker shortages (PAY PEOPLE LIVING WAGES Y'ALL) and huge mail delays. On top of that, a lot of my artists are full up and too busy to do...
The days of me printing your shipping labels onto paper, folding them in half and then struggling with the taper to attach them to your orders are OVER :P
Totally not shop related but it's cute! A lot of you who have known me for a while, know that I used to be a licensed wildlife rehabber. This means I would be given orphaned baby raccoons, squirrels and sometimes groundhogs to take care of and get them ready for release back into the wild....
Shana Logic will be donating 50% of the sales of these Sloth Pride Pins to Transgender Law Center through April.
I have to say, it's been four years since I had a packing table full of orders and honestly? It feels so good! Like, in my heart I feel like this is what I should be doing if that makes any sense?